Reviews on rhino...;




     As a metal sculptor, I draw and then manufacture my pieces. Faced with the heavyweights of 3D which is financially unaffordable for me, I sometimes hear about rhino3D which is much more affordable. Only when you're not a CAD pro, it's hard to get an idea of the strengths and weaknesses of a software... Could someone inform me? Knowing that I am looking for software to draw, then to help me with the manufacturing, usually done mechanically welded. The problem I have most often is going from a drawing of a 3D part with several sides to a drawing of a 2D pattern of each of the faces. And my knowledge, well.... it's a bit solidworks and not too drafsight...


     Thank you in advance....

I didn't know it, I signed up for the osx test version to get an idea


I've heard about it but I've never practiced this software. From the descriptions it seems to me quite good.



Rhino is a non-parametric 3D surface modeling software. It's the same principle as AutoCAD but with 3D-oriented tools. To make creation, a unitary part, it's very practical but it's not parametric, a modification and you have to redo everything. Moreover, the approach is not at all the same. He does not "recognize" a tube or a sheet metal. It's like drawing all your elements on SolidWorks using only the Bossing/Extrusion function. There is no profile library or sheet metal function. So it depends on the types of work you will have to do.


as @etienne.canuel says

from what I have been able to read and understand

rhino is not a parametric software such as SW / Catia

It's more for the design 


Rhino is indeed a surface and is not parametric.


That said, I give you another avenue to exploit. This is the free software "Blender".

Insofar as you are a sculptor on metals, maybe it would be a "good" tool.


More information about Blender:

Download it:


On the Wikipedia link, you will find at the end, a link to the doc in French and a link to tutorials in French.

The interface is in English. The software is powerful and free, so it doesn't cost anything to try, if not time, obviously...


At your disposal for + info


Oupsss, as much for me, the translation of Blender's interface exists in French (I've always used it in English, it doesn't bother me and I hadn't looked if the translation existed).


The Blender interface is therefore available in French :-)


End of corrigendum


We use Solidworks and Rhino.......... Despite my 10 experiences on Solidworks, I am forced to say that Rhino is an excellent compromise.

But with the different add-ins like "Grasshopper" it is possible to do configuration.

I've been using Rhino for 5 years as a complement to Solidworks but on our latest projects, it's the other way around, we use Solidworks as a complement to Rhino!!

Every year, Rhino develops new add-ins that make me say that this 3D CAD software tends to get closer to CAD software (RhinoCAM, etc......)


It all depends on your use, we in the architecture Solidworks provides the interface with production and Rhino with the architects. The exchange of information is somewhat complicated with Solidworks since the configuration is an obstacle. 


In terms of cost, there is no photo........ better a license from Rhino than Solidworks.

And it is often the wallet that decides.....


Rhino, Go for it!!



       Thank you very much for your insights....


   Basically, I remember that rhino is more for image and creation, and tends towards a manufacturing option while solidworks is more oriented towards manufacturing and  production image option... it confirms to me that rhino suits me better, especially since as Nicolas T says, the software is expanding... On the other hand, it's hard to find tutorials!


   That said, I'm going to look at blender right now.





Rhino is quite suitable for manufacturing, not at all for imaging since it requires third-party modules to make a quality image.


Its difference from a software like Solidworks is philosophical: the two software are designed differently, to represent a reality differently (which is classified in: volume for solidworks, surface for rhino). Solidworks and Co. are efficient for mechanical parts. Rhino et Cie for the pieces that we tend to call "design", the elaborate but definable surfaces. Blender et Cie for organic modeling (animals, etc.)


Rhino also allows you to make plans, even if it's not the best software for that, it gets away with it honestly, especially if it's an internal application that doesn't require the formalism of plan representations.


If you want to contact me, I offer training, in various forms, to Rhino and Blender, I could answer you concretely and more precisely on examples.

3D initiation day with the Rhinoceros software on Monday, September 15, 2014 


Following repeated requests from our prospects who wish to test our Rhinoceros software before buying it, we had the idea of offering you an introductory day on this software, without any obligation to purchase a license. 
This initiation, at a cost of €145 excl. VAT per person, will be provided by a trainer who has more than 15 years of experience on Rhinoceros in fields such as product design, jewellery or naval architecture.
This training is accessible to anyone and does not require any particular CAD or CAD skills.
The trainer and I will be there to help and assist you if you are unable to do the guided exercises. We will not leave you alone in front of your machine lagging behind other trainees.

The registration requirements are as follows:

  1. The next date of this initiation is Monday, September 15 from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Meeting at 8:30 a.m.
  2. The training will take place in Paris intra-muros, we will communicate the exact location just before the training.
  3. Payment for the training must be made beforehand by cheque, bank transfer or online.
  4. You must come with your Mac or PC computer having previously installed the free Windows trial version of the software. On Mac, please install a Windows emulator to do this. I am at your disposal to help you do it if necessary (remote handover).
  5.  A document will be left with you summarizing the exercises done.
  6.  50% of this training will be refunded if you place an order for the Rhinoceros software before the end of 2014 (Price 965 € excl. VAT)
  7.  The remaining 50% will also be refunded if you participate in a two-day basic training course in the Rhinoceros software or the RhinoGOLD software (jewelry module)

For the lunch break, we offer to have meal trays delivered to the room. This formula is not mandatory. If you are satisfied with it, please let us know when you register so that we can prepare the order.

I hope that this training will meet your expectations and allow you to evaluate in depth this wonderful 3D drawing tool that is Rhinoceros.

Please contact us on +33 1 69 34 81 85 or below if you would like more information.
Kind regards.
Philippe PIGEARD
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