Complicated Scanning


Could you help me create a curved  surface following the geometry of my part according to my guide curve?

Thank you


Small progress? Am I on the right track?



What you want to do is keep the same shape but bigger in the center of the "extrusion"?

In this case, it is rather a smoothing that should be done. In a scan, the cross-section is defined at the beginning and therefore remains constant throughout the guide profile.

In your case, you would have to copy your sketch on different planes at the desired distance from the basic shape. To change the dimension, you can apply a scale factor (it's in entity transformations such as translation, rotation, ...). Then, you have to create guide curves that connect these sketches. Then create a smoothing out of all of that.

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I tried to do as you told me Chamade, I have this (attachment  C), but it doesn't follow the shape of the white curve?

I've tried to create curves but I have this (attached image B)




What is the result you expect? Should the radii be constant, should the straight parts remain straight or should they follow the curvature? There are several possible results with your sketch and the curve.

Here are 3 of them

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The first two photos are good.

1) How should I make the straight parts follow the curve?

2) How did you change the color to orange on your last photo?

Thank you

Good evening

1- This is the case in all the photo, it's if you had wanted the right part to generate flat surfaces we couldn't use the scan function.

2- I redid the image, I had selected two tangiance faces, there was one too many, hence the distortion.



The orange color on the selection is in the Catia options