Blocking Bar = PB


Need help with the blocking bar function (not the bottom one, the top one.)

I was watching a video Visiativ la quotidien (episode 8) where it is explained how to improve large assemblies.

I can't activate this blocking bar which allows me not to recalculate all the parts that haven't been modified for a long time and therefore don't need to be recalculated (which is often my case for large assemblies.

What am I doing wrong, my dear fellow!

Kind regards



Hi @ Zozo 

The lock bar is for parts (part)

there are q'1 per piece

if it is at the top it is inactive 

if it is at the bottom it is active

so when you have made your piece and it will no longer need to be modified, move your blocking bar to the bottom (close the shutters);-)

@+ ;-)


See this tutorial


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Thank you @gt 22 ;-)

Indeed, the blocking bar appears in the shares.

I must have misunderstood because the video is called [[] Romain Faucher, Technical Sales Director at Dassault Systèmes, gives you tips and tricks for managing large SOLIDWORKS assemblies. ]

That's strange! I'm going to listen to the video again, especially since ultra-complex pieces are not common if you look closely.

That said, maybe if all the parts are equipped with the locking bar, it lightens the ASM (to be seen).

Kind regards

Personally, I use it all the time

This is incomparable for the opening times of the parts and assembly 

test and you'll tell me about it

have a nice day @+

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Do you put the locking bar systematically when you finish a part and you save time when opening, whether it's PART and/or ASM?


It can be interesting for us sometimes we take more than 10min to open assemblies... Well, it's still a little compared to some.

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Thank you@Madragore

That's good because I have a big assembly! I will therefore make measurements before going ""in blocking"" all stablecoins according to the recommendations of two eminent colleagues of this excellent forum  ;-)

I have 24 sub-assemblies and 607 parts, including a notable number of screws, washers and nuts. So I'm going to see the difference, especially on the kinematics, which has a latency at the beginning of the movement.

I will let you know the result.

Regards  ;-) ;-)

PS: @tous I didn't put the screws, washers and bolts in a separate folder (it's rubbish I know;-)     ...., plus these are parts downloaded  from a known supplier.
In short, how to do it because some are in the main asm (master)  and the others are mostly in the sub-ASM.  The goal is to make the creation tree a little lighter.

Question: What does the light mode do on the "Room with a feather" icon pieces . I put lightened <<if higher than>> but I don't really know what it does and especially if there are any disadvantages for everything that moves dynamically.
For example, I am wary of the flexible function that must be handled with discernment.


@ all

I extend the question about the "Lightweight" a little as soon as I put a room in blocking mode, the room loses its status as lightened. (it's not stupid but curious). Do you have any comments on this point?

The "flexible" sub-assemblies are not granted (not effective).


Hi @ Zozo 

It seems quite logical to me that for your flexible assemblies your components are no longer lightened since, as indicated, you modify the assembly constraints So you react with internal part references, in this case mini 2 parts 

It is also said that the fewer screws you have, the less heavy your assembly will be

Testing the weight and opening time

an assembly with and without bolts 

you'll understand quickly ;-)

The light mode if I'm not mistaken is an external visual of your room (the skin)

The blocking bar freezes all the internal relationships of the said part

from what I myself understand about the operation of SW the less constraints you have + the reconstruction times are fast 

for my part, once my X, Y, Z constraints have been set and the part should no longer move, I fix it, which by this fact no longer takes into account the previous constraints (since the part is as if welded)

so less heavy assembly etc....

This is what I deduce after some problems of slowness on the assemblies

I had also posted some tutorials on large and heavy complex assemblies

@+ have a good day 

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Thank you very much @gt22 this confirms what I thought by deduction but without being sure.

So I blocked all the finished parts and now the ASM opens in four seconds.
For the moment I am forced to leave the screws because of the center of gravity of the kinematic assembly which must be precise for this design.

Kind regards

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You can also create 2 assemblies 

1 with screws for your center of gravity

1 without screws to manage your flexibility 


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I agree with gt22. First of all, you have to avoid the big constraints, plan/plan, it's simple and fast but very heavy. You have to try to just block the 3 translations and 3 rotations, it's better.


After once the assembly finish fix it is perfect for opening/recording. With my automatic assembly macro I fix everything at the end, it changes the game for saving and opening.


I'm going to start using the blocking bar on some import parts and other more complex ones.


Thank you for this feedback in any case, improving productivity in these times of low workload is priceless;)