Toolbar moved?

Hi all

This morning, a toolbar is acting up to me, it's the tabs at the bottom of the viewport, where you can choose to move on to simulation analysis, movement study etc.

These tabs have been replaced by a bar on the left side of the screen, which I can't move (by dragging the bar, or find it in the toolbars for example) see the image attached (I circled this famous bar in red)

I probably made a mistake but I can't get my hands on it.

Any ideas?

Thank you in advance


What version of SolidWorks is it? 2017, 2018?

This is the 2018 version in SP1

So I found the solution, a bit radical but hey it was really disabling.

I removed any customization from sldw via deleting the folders in the registry in HKEY_CURRENT_USER.