BeamCutOut - profile stock


I have a problem using BeamCutOut. My objective is simple: I have a table in Solidworks with about thirty beams, of 3 different sections and various lengths. I have in stock these 3 reference sections (225*75, 115*115 and 80*60) in several lengths (each of them available in 3m, 4m, 5m...).

I want BeamCutOut to tell me for example: I need to:

X beams with 225*75 section in 5m

X 80*60 cross-section beams in 3m

X beams with section 80*60 in 4m

X beams with a 115*115 section in 3m

Is this possible? For the moment I can't do it. Either the configuration of my stock is not working, or the configuration of my table is not working... For a given section, I can only use one given length of stock.

Note: I had to change the column title field from "L" to "Length" so that it would be recognized by BeamCutOut.

Thank you in advance for your help!


Bonnour AG,

In BeamCutOut, it is not possible to manage multiple sections per project.

In your case, you would have to create as many projects as sections.

In myCADtools 2015, a new product will appear, it's called CuttingOptimization, your problem can be managed in CuttingOptimization.

This new Setup will be available in the first quarter of 2015.

