Need help for supplier

Hello Dear colleagues,

I am looking for a supplier for bending and so-called "beaten"  collars 'Ø 6 to 8 mm, either stainless steel or chrome-plated material. pre-series 50 and 150 /month for the . Use Water at 90° or water + steam.


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Hello @Zozo_mp ,

Now I have a subcontractor who is next to my home who could maybe help you


Hello dear @ac cobra 427     ;-)

Thank you I look at it and get in touch with them.

Kind regards



Otherwise there is also Equipflex 


Hello @ac cobra 427

Thank you for the link.   But you have to be strong to find your way between the hose and the connectors ;-)  ;-)  not to mention the crimping material (quite an art!!!!    pouf pouf pouf)

My problem with bent tubes is that many suppliers start bending at an inter Ø of 12 or 14 while I need an inter Ø of 5 to 6 mm (a question of small flow capacity per min). For the hose, this has certain advantages.

Kind regards