Need help with a construction


I still need you, I'm looking to make a piece with a particular shape but that is also curved, I don't know how to do it..

See attached photo.


Thanks in advance

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Good evening Mick

Good evening

  1. You need to use guide curves to connect the back sketch and the front sketch that is seen in your image.
  2. These guide curves must arrive at the corners of the front and rear sketches
  3. Then use the "smoothed base boss" function

Depending on the complexity of the shape, your guide curves may need to be drawn in 3D: if so, you may need intermediate sketches that will be used to hang the guide curves.

Here's what you can do in minutes.
I don't know your exact shape but that's the principle. In yellow you have the starting and arriving sketch as well as the quid curves. I only used 2D guide curves which are each on a different plane. This makes you FIVE plans and six sketches to make the entire piece. It took me less than 10 minutes so it's not too difficult.

I didn't put the tenons or mortise at each end because you know how to do it  ;-)  ;-)

You will find a Nano-tutorial in PDF format to explain the manipulation.

Given what you're doing, you'd be well advised to learn "Swept Base Boss" as well as "Smooth-Base Boss" that we've used in this example.

Also note that if you use this method with planes you will no longer have the small defects, which we saw in your post on mortise and tenon games.


Kind regards
