Need an example of Union Trim


I'm currently working on the design of robust parts from Boolean operators. While scrolling through a Dassault tutorial, I realized that I had not used the "partial relimitation" operator (or union trim).
On the other hand, the small model is not provided in the description of the operation.
Could you help me completely rebuild the small model used in the tutorial (see attached document) in catia V5? In particular, I lack the input data to test and then see the faces that are used in the relimitation.
P.S: it seems that the use of this function in 3Dexp is completely identical to what was done under V5.

Thank you in advance for your help.


Hello, I don't know the 3D experience but the pdf you attached is not reproducible in V5. The two shapes to be rebounded  are of identical construction, a hollowed cube with radiated edges (in the graph the first form and the result of two extrusions, under V5 ???).

Between the two pages, the height and radius also change.

Otherwise under V5 the faces to select for the relimitation: