Smart Library in Solidworks

(I'm opening this new topic, even if it's not a question, but rather a sharing)

(Of course, there will be special cases that will change the game on certain things that will be said)


First of all, there is an important link in "the parameters of correct use of the file" and a library.

And you have to separate the "CAD methods for the library" from the one for making "project parts".

When we make project parts, we basically use 5% of the functionalities and capabilities of Solidworks.

And when you do library work in an advanced way (intelligent library), you can work around 40-80%.

So there is an important difference.


From experience in several companies, we see bad habits that are unfortunately in the majority, whether in project rooms or library rooms.
Sometimes it's people who have just left school, and sometimes we find the famous style of the "external service".

The problem will be to re-use the software "normally" so as not to "prevent" from using more advanced functions-methods.

What you also have to understand is how it happens, when someone uses the "smart library" with bad methods-habits "projects" he won't see the difference, and won't notice anything.

When someone is used to working with advanced functions-methods, when he has to include "pieces of rotten projects" with bad methods, many things don't work anymore, functions become limited, unusable...

Basically, a smart library to be mixed with generic elements and those by brands.
Those by brand, it is better to store them with a tree structure identical to that of the manufacturer.
For generic ones, you have to create a tree structure by features (adapted to the needs of the users, the company).

A real piece of library to be configured by an excel, it means:

That it's only the excel that controls everything, so the "prohibit edits" option is enabled.

As a reminder, when you put an excel in a file, the info can go in one direction (3D-shift-to-excel) or in the other (Excel-shift-to-3D).

But in 99.9% of cases it is the 3D-shift-to-excel direction that is chosen.

Be careful with multi-material components, in this case it is better to manage the PRP property textually by excel, and manage the density (so leave the cdg calculation in auto), or control the mass and cdg value, by excel.

Similarly, there is one thing to understand, when you use a config library, it means that in the BOMs of a drawing, you use it in mode 3 (in the config grouping section, check the checkmark, and put mode 3).

It is also advisable when installing an assembly boom, to put "first level" only.
You never put a BOM in tabbing to reduce it behind (aberration !!).
And the last BOM in part mode, is suitable for some companies, but requires you to know how to manage your ASM-assembly cuts correctly, and to set the ASM-biblio or ASM-Const.welded well.
(advantage of the part mode, allows you to see all the needs on a project, during evolutions, allows  you to make the difference, and to group orders).

Be careful with a BOM in tab, when bubbling on the plane, sometimes the bubble marker bugs (but this remains a minority case, solution, put the value in the bubble manually, and drag the balloon into a "manual value" layer with a discrete color code, so that someone else who takes over the plane knows that it's managed manually).

And of course in a plan, we almost never use manual values, or manual BOM or with force boxes (aberration !!). This should be prohibited, except in special cases, but in this case the use of a dedicated layer to signal it to other users.

When you use the 3D drilling wizard, in a plane you have to use "symbol for drilling" because one does not go without the other (yes, the disadvantage is to put the dimension on the flat face, not on the cut, even if there is half a trick...).

I assume that the basic files are "well configured"!!
auto-sizing of basic planes, correct use of filters, displays of shaded threads in the 3D, not circles that cross the model, in the configs option BOM to document name, and in advanced, do not check delete functions. And status of linked displays (by default, this does not prevent it from being used afterwards).

When you build PRT or ASM, everything that is used for the installation, the construction "must not be shown" it must be hidden in the creation tree, and not use the display filters (aberration !!).
What will remain major to the project, or uses and repetitive to install the library components (example laying plane for conical thread), can be left shown, and the filter is then deactivated.

I won't talk about the fact of the rating in the 3D, then imports into the MEPs, that's another debate...


An advanced library is used with the design panel (on the right in solidworks), and you manage the bitmap representation of the file (document option, image quality, use iso view not to be checked), and of course you choose a point of view that speaks (and in 99% of cases, it's not the ISO view !!).

Another aberration too often seen is the wrongful use and especially through "external references". Often users who discover this function use it badly, and then complain about the software that saturates, while it is their methodology that is not good.
In many cases an external reference is used when it is not useful.
Moreover, when an "external reference" is determined, and which will not vary in position with ASM configurations, it must be locked, not keep an external reference in dynamic for nothing.

You have to know how to put the origins in the right place, in order to have the basic plans that can be used.
And generally, put the plane in front as the plane of the front of the room, and the top plane above (au as the floor plane). And centered if the part is symmetrical.

Another observation: in a library worthy of the name, the rate of "3D import" is very very limited!!
What for? because it saturates the software, and then you shouldn't complain...
After all, if the company works with small ASMs, keeping 3D imports in the library is passable.
If you work with assemblies of medium size, or even large: you almost never work with 3D imports... (unless you lack time, but you'll have to come back to it to make a real 3D model).

This principle is to match its 3D to its final need, and to limit software saturation.

Someone who is used to making intelligent libraries, has a high modeling speed.
Making a project piece is sometimes monotonous, it puts you to sleep... and make advanced library pieces that wakes up, and it's interesting.

In addition, someone who is used to solidworks and who is starting to move towards an advanced use, will naturally start naming functions, sketches, dimensions, and this is very useful for the library. or even the project parts!!

And there is also a method that comes with time, the practice, which is the total dimensioning in a single sketch, and all the rest of the construction flows from it.

Someone who masters the advanced library, knows how to control and manage parent-child links in a more advanced way (function, sketch, dimension, even sketch entity). Because yes there are principles of construction, or evolution "without breakage" in 3D, or MEP.

You can start with an empty excel, and fill it in yourself.
When you create an excel with the wizard, it lists all the values to be processed, even those that should not be in the excel!! And here we have to put things back on track.
e.g. if we manage in the excel SW-Material@@nomconfig@nomfichier.SLDPRT
There must be no $PROPRIETE@Material, but it must be present in the properties at the config, with the values of the links to the "material" of the creation tree.

Tip: If there are too many configs to redo, have the excel delete all the configs except the active one (put the active one in line 2, insert a line in line 3, so we keep all the configs in lines 4,5,6...). Fix the activ, then have all the configs recreated by the excel (because the principle of duplication of prp).

To make the material appear with a normal display, you have to use a text formula in excel to take the value of the box only from the N character.

Otherwise, it's not necessary, typing the material manually in the name of the config is acceptable, with rigor, there are no problems.

Personally, I use a trâme for the creation of excel in a 3D, and also a color code for the boxes with excel formulas.


For the principles of naming configs, it's by forging that we become forgeront.

It's by doing tons of config libraries that we can then put "good config names"...

You have to be rigorous, know how to correct yourself a minimum before releasing a file.

If you don't have this rigor, do a proofreading by someone else.

Basically, always provide zeros even before the decimal point, pay attention to the forbidden character (for nomenclature exports), always see further, after, the possible options.

Separating criteria or options with "-" is more pleasant to read.

and the spaces too!

For the / or 3/4" digit, use a word "classifier" before then the value 3-4".

3/4" becomes DN20 3-4" or DN020 3-4"

And basically we name, the first criteria are often in reverse order...

And the matter is better not to be at the end (except in special cases)

All this is done not to create jerky lists, but logical sequences, knowing that solidworks displays the order with alphabetical consideration...

When you are a user, you will have to change size more often.
Example order:


Mat-A - 01160 - 0006 x 0200

Mat-A - 01160 - 0202 x 0300

Mat-A - 01160 - 0202 x 1000

Mat-B - 01160 - 0006 x 0200

Mat-B - 01160 - 0006 x 0200 (left version)

Mat-B - 01160 - 0202 x 0300

Mat-B - 01160 - 0202 x 1000

And of course from a user point of view, when you choose from a config, you want to see words that speak to you.
Not the reference! (it will be displayed in the BOMs with the management of the "No.PART which has become "PART NUMBER")
So this will be for example:
Steel - DN20 3-4" - FM
Steel - DN20 3-4" - MF
Steel - DN25 1" - FM
Stainless steel - DN25 1" - FM

And in the BOMs we will display either a manufacturer reference or a unique identifier.

You have to know how to manage unique identifiers in a generic library.
Standard - size - material
Description - Material

Always favor the manufacturer over a reseller for the library.
But if you can't find the manufacturer, a cheating is tolerated which is to use the supplier and his reference as an identifier (example: Emile Maurin).

And when you create a file, you have to have a broad view of the product!!
See the possible options for later.
Because if you have to rename configs, because in a few years you need an option, or whatever.
It will break all the assemblies...
With experience this is acquired...

When you make an advanced library, you immediately put in what will be used for the 3D constraints, assembly axis, assembly plan... and also what we will use in a MEP, because no text with manual values, too great a risk of errors.

Example: for a fitting, you can create technical properties ($PRP) such as Dimensions, Raccord_1, Raccord_2, Standard, etc.

Like this in a MEP, we put an annotation that will "call" this value, and in case of modification, there is almost nothing to do in the MEP, everything will update from the 3D.




(open discussion, sharing methodology)


And when there are several creators of such a library,

There is also the fact of "knowing how to read" the design intentions of a library piece.

It comes with time.

In order to continue the play on the same intention, or to add things without going "against", so as not to break the design, and have a lot of mistakes behind it.


This also means that those who don't know how to navigate it properly, are not allowed to modify it, so as not to break (and not be forced to repair behind the others).


Many things were interesting in this speech


Thank you!

I have not elaborated on the question further, but the principles found in it are still valid.

There was an "exchange of divergent opinions" on another topic of the forum recently, about the library and EPDM, and it took up some of the principles cited here.


Hello Olivier

Very interesting, especially since I wanted to look into an automated function library (when I had time).

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Hi, super interesting this topic

I'm going to make a bib for the Be soon too.

I was thinking of starting with a file by type and material.

For example "steel inner circlip" or "A2 stainless steel H screw" to avoid having a Mega file with too many configurations.

Since we have a PDM, we have to pay attention to the personal properties to put in the library file so that they are retrieved in the data card.

Managing configs by Excel allows us to do a lot of nice functions to fill in the personal properties, for example the formulas "Text" and "Concatenate" are super useful to make configuration names in auto. For config names, you have to be careful to arrange it in alphabetical order, it's more convenient for users, for example:

Not very clear:









Much better:









Finally, remember to set a personal property "IsFastener" to 1 or 0 depending on whether you want the file to be cut in the drawings and taken into account in the interference detections.