Autocad library


Is there a " pack " or library for safety signaling icons (fire extinguishers, emergency exits, pharmacy, etc.) for Auto CAD  (DWG)?

Thank you in advance.



By rummaging around a bit, I found this:


A site that allows you to download the icons one by one:


A set of blocks:


Finally, a first site where everything is not free but essential all the same:


And a general site of blocks:


Good luck



See this link:


There are surely many others



THE :) link


Normally, there is everything you want.

After normally you should have everything you need but in case you're not everything.

A solution is to search on Google images for an image of what you need, to vectorize the image to be able to integrate it into your DWG file.


Kind regards



Thank you all

normally I have everything I'm looking for
