Dynamic Frames: Creating a Compound Polyline

Let me explain:  I want to create a type of dynamic block line, composed of three lines... and I wish that we could stretch it, in a polar way, and create angles, like a polyline in fact...

I thought about designing my block in several segments, 10 for the moment, and playing with visibility states as needed. For example we need two segments, I select my visibility state two segments, and I stretch my two segments to the measurement I need....

But only, when I stretch my first segment, my second parameter doesn't readjust to the new coordinates, since it would be supposed to be in the continuity of the first...

Thank you to those who can help me...



I didn't understand what you want to achieve when you say "polar stretch"?

The best thing would be to show us the desired final result.


Ahahhh, Eric, your message made me laugh tonight... If I had the result, I wouldn't need to ask the question... but basically, I would like my segment to behave like a polyline... that I can infinitely... (or not, but at least ten segments) stretch polarly: I have a horizontal line, I give it a length in an angle at 0... then hop, a 1/4 turn at 90° and I give it a length... then turn back to 90°, I give it a length...

In concrete terms, it is to create a waterproofing line on the roof with a waterproofing survey on the parapet.

I'll give you a detail tomorrow at the office, but thank you very much for your participation... I feel less alone!! :-D


So to be clearer: this is my dynamic block as it is today (etanch_dyn).

I can only use it online, stretch it only once in the direction I want....

... The goal would be to use it as a polyline, in the waterproofing details, creating angles in order to follow the concrete structure...

Thank you very much for your attention!!


When I said final result, I meant "visually". In fact, you answered my question by attaching your sketches. I understand better what you want now ;o)

On the other hand, I had already looked into the question at the time in vain! :o(

For 1 single segment, this works well by keeping only one stretch point and placing the base point of the block on the axis of the centerline. On the other hand, the junctions are not managed!

The problem for several segments is that the base point of the polar stretches of the next segments must follow the displacement of the previous segment. I haven't found a solution for this so that the 2 border lines follow correctly in the corners.

I had also explored the track of multiple lines. It works well but since you can't put a polyline in it, the central line has no thickness. :o/

Apart from going through a macro, I can't think of a simpler solution than the manually shifted polyline to which you modify the properties (type of line).

If you have any other leads, don't hesitate to let us know.


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Eric hello,

Indeed, you have completely identified the problem of the shift of the base point...

Thank you very much for your contribution...

I put my entire network on the problem... I'll let you know if I have an answer!!


Good luck!

I finally found how to get around the problem.

I play with the visibility by providing a maximum of 10 possible segments, which is more than enough for my sealing line and to shift the base point of each action you just have to create the actions in reverse: 

I start with my 10th action, then my 9th takes my 10th, etc...

So, in the same spirit, I even created a "polyline" line of insulation, configurable.

Thank you all for your contribution and good luck

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Perseverance always pays off.

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