Dialog box to edit a dimension


I have SW 2019, my problem dates from before and is therefore not related to the version I think.

When I select a dimension or want to modify it, 8 times out of 10 it opens a text field to modify to change the dimension. But I don't necessarily want to change it, and if I want to I would like to have the dialog box with all the options.

How do you remove the "text field" that invites itself when you don't need it?

Thank you in advance.


Hello @pierre.bienfait 

Do you use instant 2D and instant 3D.

I'm in V2019 in part context and I can view a dimension or modify it without any dialog box opening. This is true whether for a sketch dimension or an extrusion dimension

Kind regards


Here's what I'm talking about, it's true that I could have started by putting a visual.

So I have this type of field that opens up every time I click a little bit too close to the value of the dimension.


Sorry Pierre but I don't have this problem at all whether in volume context or in a sketch

Can you make a copy of Tools ==>Options ==> System Options ==> display

Kind regards

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Here it is missing at the top of the page: "hidden edges" and "tangent edges".



I'm not sure you can remove this function, but if you don't want this to happen when selecting a dimension then you have to select it by clicking on one of these reminder lines.

Kind regards



"hidden edges" and "tangent edges". are not missing, you have to use the elevator on the right to crop them and make them appear

@d.Roger  (hello) how you explain that with the same version I don't have the problem reported. For the moment I can't reproduce it ;-)  ;-)

Kind regards

This is typically 2D instant enabled: (see answer @Zozo_mp )

If you enable it, a click on the dimension opens the numeric edit window, if it is deactivated, a click equals the selection of the dimension and double clicks modification of the numerical value.

EDIT: If you can't find the icon you can add it (right click on the toolbar, customize, command, Sketch and you add it by dragging it)



Thank you, it was indeed the "2D moment".

Thank you all.


To edit a dimension: Double-click on a dimension. The Edit dialog box appears. Change the dimension value with the arrows, scroll wheel, mouse wheel, or by typing in the dimension box.

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Hello @pierre.bienfait,

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Kind regards