Hello, is it possible to retrieve values from a list in custom properties to inject them into an equation?

A priori yes! 
I created 2 variables Supplier (value 2) and Review (value 3) in Customize.

An equation "d1@esquisse8" = "supplier" + "revision" gives me the value 5mm.

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And where can I find a list of known solidworks values to do so please?

Thank you

you have to add in the custom property

supplier with its associated value

revision with its associated value

then in the assigned equation manager a global variable which will be the sum of the two



then in your rating you call your global value

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I'm not sure we're on the same issue...  

Let's say I want to use the mass of the part in an equation: how do I recover and reuse it?

Or the length of a sheet metal unfolded in sheet metal? How to retrieve it and use it in an equation please? Thank you:)