Hello, I have a drawing whose dimensions are x10. Who can edit my file to have x1


  I drew  the plan of a small plastic part with QCAD to have it 3D printed

To have lines that were not too big compared to the total dimension of the piece, I multiplied all the dimensions by 10 when I drew

Someone kind provided me with the . STL for 3D printing but here the dimensions of my part are x 10

I'm looking for someone nice who could modify the .dxf file and/or the . STL to have scale 1

Thank you for your help.


Here is the STL file but 10 times smaller


Oh thank you

Looking at my piece I tell myself that it is a little too geometric

I'm going to add some rounding.

On the other hand, I managed to get my part at scale 1 for the .dxf file

A QCAD function that I didn't know existed allows you to display not very thick lines for a small room.

I do my retouching and I publish the file at scale 1

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Here's the latest version of my file.

The .dxf and .dwg are here:



With the ladder function? ^^