Hello, I have a problem with the assembly of solidworks

....... If I injected a component, SolidWorks should automatically block. 



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What is the question?

I don't understand well and don't see where the problem is via the screen

@+ ;-)

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What exactly is the problem?

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Can you clarify, because your question is not very clear...

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Hello, the first component inserted in an assembly is fixed by default (to release it right-click on it, release), the others are then free. To block them, right-click on it and then choose fix, otherwise apply constraints to put it in position with respect to other components. See "Assembly Constraints" in SolidWorks help.

See this short guide




@+ ;-))


SolidWorks blocks the component by matching the origins of the assembly if the component is not positioned in the 3D window, but selected and validated in the property selection window.

If the component is dragged into the assembly, it will be free.

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 The problem is when I inserted a component into the assembly and I clicked OK, solidworks will be blocked. Here are two photos that summarize what I just said


See the 6 tutorials on assembly in my site
