Hello, I want to draw the components of a cable car under Catia v5 can someone help me? Thank you



To start with, we normally put a light description in the box 'What is your question?' and then we describe the request in the box 'Description'


Otherwise you can already start by typing 'cable car' on google and realize that there are many different ones. If the question is just about 'How to Draw' I advise you to start with a sketch.


Kind regards

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Hello Student kawtarabbou1999

There you have it, look here  and YAPUKA

A little gogole and hooa!

A little advice on this model, be careful to draw the latch handle of the upper enclosure without forgetting the pin.

Maybe this forum is better suited than ours to your request but be careful over there it will toast if you don't present anything

Kind regards

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Zozo_mp Thank you:)

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