Hello copy library parts


I would like to have the documents from my library copied into my business file when inserting them into my set 

Could someone give me the procedure to follow  please


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Could you explain the problem better, because I can't really understand it


Yes, can you explain to us a little better  and specify on which software.

Thank you.

Kind regards.



Yes, can you explain to us a little better  and specify on which software.

Thank you.

Kind regards.



I want to move the files of my component bioteca automatically to my business folder


I would say that you have to go to your component library and you copy and paste it to your business folder. But I'm not sure it's right for you

Why do it?


It's going to create duplicates for nothing, right?

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In what interest? 

That's not the purpose of a library.


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the library is on the network, when moving the parts are no longer accessible


If you copy the specific pieces of your library to your case

just put an extension in its name (case number)

and you will have the coin with its proper name in your business

@+ ;-))

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See also this tutorial 


It provides information on how to proceed via library parts

modification of the customization of this said part for a specific case



give news thank you

@+ ;-))