Special bosses on SW

 Hello everyone,
New to the field, I design my bike frame and try to do it right

I regularly consult this forum and some tutorials on the internet but here I am blocked.

My tubes don't have a linear section along their entire length
So I draw the profile in the length of the tube and I make a boss/base with revolution and I put the central axis of the tube as the base axis: everything is fine
Now that I have these tubes in good profile, I'd like to bend some of them. And that's where it gets complicated
I would like to keep my "complex" tube profile and add a radius to it, it seems silly but I would like to keep the operations in this order as much as possible
I attach the file
the tube in question is the "ST" boss and the guide curve is in sketch 11
NB: In this sketch 11, I have an arc and a straight line that are joined by one side, how do I merge them and have only one element? I tried to remove the junction point but I get an error. 

Geometry without bending:


Bending curve in blue:



Ideally I draw the raw tube i.e. as it is when I bought it and then I apply various extrusions etc.

Here, how to proceed to keep only the top tube (TT - Top Tube), the top tube (DT - down tube) and the fork tube (HT - head tube) by removing the intersections and the superfluous. The question seems vague but with the screenshots you realize it right away: the whole part at the top right

PS: the file is from SW2016
Thank you for your help and have a good day


by applying a deformation on a curve.

or else sweep your tube along your curve rather than deform it.


yes for this kind of piece 

goes through neutral fiber sketches

and sweeping or smoothing

you will save time and understanding

As our friends @ opiep27 say



So the simplest, problem 2, just don't merge your bodies, for that re-edit your function and uncheck merge.

Problem 1: you have to build not in revolution but in sweep with several sections see attached file.



Thank you all for your quick answers.

I'll take a look when I get home tonight