How do I enlarge the Buttons and add the tabs on Composer? Thank you
Kind regards
How do I enlarge the Buttons and add the tabs on Composer? Thank you
Kind regards
Hello @designconceptinox
To use large icons, not finding the option in the program I once again searched my girlfriend a little in the registry and maybe I found something to satisfy the request.
1: Close Solidworks Composer.
2: Windows+R keys, then type regedit in the "open" field.
3: In the Registry Editor, go to: Computer\HKEY_CURRENT_USER\SOFTWARE\Dassault Systemes\Composer\MVP\SOLIDWORKS Composer\7.7\GuiSettingsRibbonfra\BCGToolbarParameters
4: Double-click on LargeIcons, replace 0 by 1, and confirm.
5: Launch Compose and observe.
Thank you for your help but there is a change in the way I don't have "7.7" but more "7.8" then I continued ... nothing has changed! weird
Kind regards
Yes, of course, the version varies according to yours.
Did you do it right after leaving Composer? After launching Composer, no icons have grown in size?
In my house, the icons on the panels on the left have grown.
Yes! I did it twice, with a reboot, weird, I'm in the "Professional" version, in any case thank you for your help!!
Kind regards