Bug Building Tree + Registration



I have a bug in my assemblies.

I work with solidworks + logopress.

I have one of my subassemblies that I can no longer save and the construction tree has a problem.

The first files of the tree are passed after the parts and there is no way to go over the parts again after unless you create a file.

And even if you do this, it's impossible to register this sub-assembly.

I don't understand the bug. I only have the solution to get my assembly back to last week.


Thank you for your help.




With a right-click on the folders, there is no option to edit or move them?


Apparently seen the message on your screenshot. You have files from the automatic backup.

This can be caused by an unexpected shutdown of SolidWorks.

Did the file work the last time it was opened?

If this is the case, then close without saving, and then open the assembly without using the files from the automatic backup.



I'll be you I'll already try to put in resolution and look at your parts that make up this assembly

it seems to me to see x defect on these said parts

So open each part independently of your assembly and see if it's good, you close these parts and save

you had to do a part retouching that may not have been taken into account and therefore not registered with an appropriate name

@+ ;-))


Welcome to the hassle of automatic saves. 

I had the case and 2 solutions are possible. 1 Make a takeaway composition with another prefix or suffix. so the files are autonomous again. 

the second is to launch RX and clean up the saved folder. Personally now I have set the saves in the same folder as the component, which limits the damage.

I think I have corrected the problem.

My assembly has several configurations.

Some configs don't have the bug.

So I opened my assembly by selecting which config I wanted to see it in and all my configs work again and I can save my set.

Thank you

Sometimes the configurations buggy for no reason!