Bug overview


Is it normal that on my overall shots exploded the pointing of the bubbles to display the bug reference.

Let me explain, I can't point anywhere on the piece, only in certain places.

It's very restrictive in the long term, so if you have a solution.

Thank you in advance.



Which version are you under and can you give us a screenshot?



If you select an end it works?


Is your eyesight not in perspective?


see this link among other things https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-UnJzFx2n1M

automatic bubble

In the presentation of the balloons you have options in other attachment points

faces or edges, the choice is yours



I'm on the SOLIDWORKS Premium 2017 x64 Edition SP 3.0 version.

I can't put a screenshot on you, I'm under a confidentiality agreement.

When I select an edge or the surface, sometimes it works but not on the whole part.

No, the view is not in perspective.

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For your information, I just did as on the video, I used the automatic bubbles and even there the pointing of the arrow is in the void.



I advise you to switch to SP4 which may fix this bug.


Does this issue occur on a custom view?


No, it's a normal exploded view. And it works very well on some levels and on others it bugs.


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Have you tried putting the SP4; There may be a fix for this bug.

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There is  a known bug, to get around it you must:

1. Change the view to "unexploded"

2. Install the desired bubbles

     (use of "select other" to grab hidden pieces)

3. Switch the view back to "exploded"

4. Refine the position of the speech bubbles if needed


Note for the "Auto Bubble", for the record I never use it, because it makes the shots less clear for the editors, it doesn't fill when it would be more judicious, it crosses the bubble lines, you have to remember that the BE on the computer screen can zoom, but not the people who read the plans.

It's a function that is not yet developed in my opinion, but use it for those who have the flème, because between spending a few minutes doing an intelligent bubble, and losing a lot more by the workshop, for me it's all seen.

It is to lose the art of making correct plans, and to create unreadable plans with this function.