Bug: replacement of part by solidworks without asking

Hi all! It's still time to wish each other a happy new year!!

It's been a long time since I've been here to see you on this forum but now I'm drying. I am working with Solidworks 2015 Standard x64 SP 5.0 (my colleague has the professional version and has the same problem). It is a problem that arises punctually and without reason or logic:(

Solidworks replaces some parts with others (most often, with one that "looks", for example that was composed to make a variant), without telling me! This happens to me during the drawing, either of an assembly or of a part. It's quite dangerous because there aren't always stress or other problems and it's not easy to notice that the part has been replaced.

I can't reproduce the problem to find a logic or explain this bug.

Has anyone ever had this problem? We already encountered this problem about three years ago thinking that it was a "temporary" bug or a bad handling. On the other hand, I have had this problem 3-4 times in the last two months.

Thank you in advance for your answers!

Don't the pieces have the same name by chance?

To go back to the basic example if you have an assembly with a 2CV including a part called the steering wheel (the steering wheel of the 2CV).

And if you open a 4L with a part called the steering wheel (the steering wheel of the 4L), as the steering wheel of the 2CV is already open systematically, it will replace the steering wheel of the 4L with the part of the same name already open, so the steering wheel of the 2CV!

In general, the only reason for solidworks to replace one part with another is this.

Or otherwise recorded under poorly realized that replaces a piece without us wanting it.


No, they are different pieces, with different names.  And I didn't save as.

Good evening@ccuenot

never had this problem 

It is possible that via a part or part family configuration

if it is not well named 

Or that the assembly has been opened and modified 

Without changing the name

but you should see it in the tree

See if in the feature manager to the right of the part name if there are specific characters 


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I immediately thought like @sbadenis to the problem of the identical file name.
Otherwise, I've never encountered this problem.


It does happen that SW gets caught in the carpet when we work a lot with copies. From time to time he brings out the basic piece.

To limit the problem on an assembly I think the best is to copy the part BEFORE inserting it into the assembly (the assembly will never have known about the previous number so it is unlikely that it will be able to make a substitution).

To my knowledge, we have never had any problems between an MEP and the assembly or the part directly linked to the MEP (if it is on a component of the assembly that is put in drawing, refer to what I say above).

After that, if you copy an assembly + MEP to make a new one and you change a part in the assembly, I think that unfortunately there is not too much way to escape these random bugs.

With us, we copy a lot of assemblies with parts with references in the context. So we often have problems: the references in the context point to the old filename and we end up with ->? from all over our trees.



Hello everyone and thank you for your answers.

I didn't see anything special in terms of the name in the feature manager. The only configuration of the parts is the "default" which is basic.

For copies, we work with the comps to take away assemblies at the same time as the parts to change the external references. We have never had any problems with lost references.

We'll pay attention to these random bugs, and maybe migrate soon, there may not be this problem anymore on the new Solidworks.

Have a good week everyone