Personalized windshield



We made custom windshield styles on SW 2014 but as soon as you place a windshield with a personal style, the style comes back to < none> for the next windshield.

Is there a solution to lock the style on "piece" (see image) to place several bubbles without redoing the manipulation each time?


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The document template (*.drwdot) of all the planes, and then set the default style in:

Tools > Options > Document Properties > Annotations > Balloons


And save the . drwdot


+1 for Lucas!

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So far it's ok, but we fill the bubbles with our custom properties and they don't appear in the drop-down menu.

You must reference the "properties.txt" file in Tools > Options > System Options > File Location.

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Yes they are already placed, but we solved the problem by modifying a custom property of Solidwork (which appears in the drop-down menu) and not a new custom property created by us.

And so now we can put the default bubble style with whatever we want in it.

thank you for the help

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