Hidden the 3 basic plans in a room family


We have a small problem  on several bookcase pieces (screws), because someone from us tends to put the basic plans of this room in unhidden, which is sometimes very annoying in a large assembly to choose the right plan to constrain.

That's why I'd like to know either if it's possible to block these 3 plans in hiding by some means (either in the room family or other)

FYI, it is not possible to switch the part to read-only because you have to regularly add configs and passing library parts tends to crash SW more often.


To my knowledge, there is no possibility to block this.

At home, the library is read-only, but I added a macro to be able to change "read-only" => "write" and vice-versa with a single click.

It works very well and you are sure not to change a piece of library by mistake.

The macro is available here:


To add a button and assign a macro to it, see my other tutorial:


Edit: otherwise, it is of course possible to hide ALL the planes of an assembly, or to filter by "plane" from the selection filter of an assembly to display in the tree only the planes, and thus quickly see according to the icon, if they are visible or not.

For more information on this last point, see here:






It's a fairly common request to want to control the basic plans independently of the other plans.

In SOLIDWORKS 2016, it is now possible to hide/show basic plans independently of other plans: this will certainly help (even if it does not prevent bad practices)

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If it's up to one person, the problem isn't with the hardware or software !

If it's like an old bear, I advise you to invite him for lunch in the warm place to buy him a hop-based beverage (this kind of old bear doesn't turn to honey anymore!) and to explain to him calmly (while being friendly) how great it would be if he made this little effort to no longer leave those damn ones displayed... sorry, these great plans, but which complicate your life by the way!

It's just an idea! Otherwise, what @.PL also works to hide the plans, and it avoids being out of pocket for the beverage!



Thank you for the answers for Benoit.LF, several of us have argued in this direction but we regularly find the poster plans... No matter how much I explained to him that leaving the sketches and plans on Shown, it considerably weighs down the load on heavy assemblies and that undeniably the risk of crashing is increased, nothing does and yet he regularly complains when SW crashes...

So, even if it's not the solution I was hoping for, I think I'll follow the idea of .PL.

On the other hand, a quick question about the creation of an icon for a macro.

What is the format of the icon (bmp 32x32 px and its resolution)

I'm using Gimp and can't customize the icon.


Thank you


No worries about the icon, I had taken the one in PJ on the internet at the time in 128x128 and it works.

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