Hide Assemblies Files


Today I am facing a problem and I would like to have your opinion on all of you.

In my standard module directories, I have subsets that have evolved (change of index) and/or others that I no longer use (see below).

I don't want to create an archive directory and move these ASM files for the simple reason that I risk losing the links if the assemblies are used.

I'd like to make visible only what I'm using.

The idea would be to hide, via windows, files of old or obsolete versions.

Have you ever tried this?

What do you think?

How do you manage this on your side? (I don't have EPDM and it's not current)

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If you create an archive folder and move your obsolete files via Solidworks Explorer it should work!! By Windows I have never tested..

With Explorer it's too long, since Sw Explorer will scrutinize my entire server to possibly change the lines in the assemblies.

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Just "hide" in Windows properties can work, if for other users the display of hidden files/folders is disabled.

Otherwise he will see the files simply the icon is grayed out



In addition to what Franck says (it's the standard configuration for us: display of file extensions and hidden files), if you hide a SW file may not find it, so it's the same as moving it to an archive directory.
Personally, I find the idea of the repertoire clearer to use. If it's missing, SW will flag it, which should alert the user that they're looking for an obsolete document.
How many users are you?

4 users.

So it's possible to communicate on the behavior that SW will have.

Apart from the risk of losing the benchmark, is the new index backwards compatible with the old one?

I have hidden the files with Old Revision.

It works.