I model a part on which I would like two configurations. One with holes on the left of my part the other with holes on the right. These are the same holes and will change quite a bit in my design phase, so I made a symmetry.
I would like the "left" configuration to only display the left holes and vice versa. Removing symmetry in one of my configurations is not a problem. The pb is rather to remove the parent function and display only the symmetry.
I looked for a way to "delete a function" like you delete a body without it affecting the child functions but nothing.
Symmetry is based on the parent function, so it is not possible by nature to delete the parent function (the symmetry is automatically deleted since it is linked).
So either a "tinkering" solution which would consist of filling in the hole of the parent function and displaying it only in the "left" configuration, or going through two functions and linking the sketches by a symmetry.
Or, depending on the geometry of the part, create a symmetrical model (two separate but related files).
I have a piece, let's say a cube. On the left side of the machining. I need to have the same ones on the right flank. I would like 2 configurations; one with machining only on the left, the other with machining only on the right. I want to be able to link these functions because I have a lot of modifications to make and the case seems so common to me that I was sure it was planned.
I found the solution with Cyril.f by making a sketch on the right flank and relating all the entities of my sketch to the sketch of my left flank. It works quite well.