Imported image frame


On Draftsight 2020 when I import an image, framing lines are still visible, despite the "no" selection of the "Show delineate" parameter. When I play with the line style, it goes well from dotted line to continuous line etc. I would like to remove this framework 

Thank you

Have you solved your problem, because I currently have the same one?

Hello @cbarou1

Happy to welcome you to the forum. :grinning:

I hope we can help you solve a few problems.

You are replying to a very old message from July 2021 that had not received any response and you are asking the question to @oliviercourty1994 who has not been back on the forum since July 2021 either.

On the forums this is called a digging up :roll_eyes:

I suggest you create a new post describing your issue and indicating your version of SW.

Kind regards