Flattening Calculation

vue de dessusvue de côté


I would like to know what this flat room with side view and front view above could look like?

It should be made in crunching.

Thanks in advance to all


Here's what it looks like.


Good evening ac cobra 427 and thank you for the quick response.

This piece should be folded into two pieces. Can you give me the plan with the dimensions of the flattening.

Thank you

but I already have it in two parts; you do in bending or bending???

This will be done by biting in two pieces

here is my MEP in DXF with a 1:5 scale

Here I tell you, you don't have Solidworks because normally we help to find the solution.



Ok thank you for the dxf. Good night.

But you're welcome, if it ever suits you, don't forget to validate the best answer by clicking on the link of this one.

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