


Anyone have an Excel calculator with the cantilevers for gateways (IPE, UPN, etc....)?


Thank you for your answers!


Maybe this site will allow you to find what you are looking for (in the absence of an Excel file)



I don't have a calculator on Excel, but the Flex Form in addition to ToolBox is very good for simple cantilevered, single or distributed load calculations.

Otherwise, there is the RDM lemans software, which is free and easy to use and allows you to treat more cases of bending.

Differently with Simulation


Yours sincerely

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Having designed 1 year and a half gateways, I recovered some internal Excel files.

I'll try to sort it out (there's a little bit of everything...) and I'll let you know about it.


EDIT: I just watched. Sorry but I only have enough to calculate gateways... wooden...


Could you specify what you are looking for in terms of information (constraints, arrows, ...) and the complexity of your system (beam only, lattice, ...)? How do you apply the load?

For simple systems, it can be calculated "by hand". Otherwise, excel probably won't be enough for you.


Hi @ aurelien


you will find on this link which for my by I find very well done


Calculation utilities:

These utilities are to be used by people trained in the strength of materials


another option is to use a simulation of SolidWorks or dedicated utilities for dito


hoping to have answered your question correctly


@+ ;-)




Hi all


Aurélien, gives a look at MTCALC

Free excel file 1 month.


. There are also

Free software for structures. Very good product. Less easy to use than RDM.


Have a good Sunday.

