Interior volume calculation

Hello, after several unsuccessful attempts I am calling on you.


I want to calculate the interior volume of this room, I tried to create an imprint as it was explained in a Lynkoa news that I had kept just in case.


But now I'm drying up and since I don't have much time on my hands, would there be a solution.


Thank you in advance.


Kind regards.

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_Tracez a sketch on your parting line,

_Récupérez the inner outline (right-click on one of these entities, "Select Loop", if necessary click on the yellow arrow to change the orientation then Tools/Sketching Tools/Convert Entities)

_Extrudez this sketch by unchecking "Merge Result" and selecting "All the way to body", clicking on your original body.


This gives you a body that represents the volume of the interior of your room.


Select it in the tree (density folder) and then, Tools/Mass Properties, you will see its volume.


But of course a big  thank you I'm tired.



Kind regards.

Here is a tutorial for the subject


@+ ;-)