Translation Cam


I stumble over this problem! I have a cam (axis) that has a vertical vouvement. I have a pebble that is guided horizontally. How to manage the movement of the roller on the cam knowing that solidworks refuses the "cam" constraint because it does not have a closed contour?

Thank you in advance!


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Maybe we need to use the trajectory constraint, after having drawn the trajectory on a sketch on the mean plane:


Hello Azrod

With this constraint, how can we define that the point must always be "normal" to the trajectory? Otherwise, it can't work.


Either you draw a template part (here in blue) for the cam path (you need a closed outline for it to work I think) and you hide (or not the part in the assembly see attached image, or you make a trajectory constraint following Azrod's advice.

The 2 work, it's up to you to see which solution you prefer.



Can you put a little ASM with the 2 parts in a ZIP file so we can see???

For the point normal to the trajectory, draw your trajectory in the center of your axis (trajectory // to the real trajectory and the no worries)

Edit: the disadvantage of this method if I'm not mistaken is that your point in the center of the pebble and your trajectory must be on the same plane and this can sometimes be restrictive.


As sbadenis says   , the plans and centers must coincide, for the constraint to take place.

Otherwise the constraint came, with the help of a template, but that you will have to hide afterwards.

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if you want your cam to follow the course correctly

ensures that the radii of the path is the same or higher  than the section of the roller

it will be a lot + simple

then you make a sketch via a shift of your route by one dimension = mini to the radius of your pebble 

and you limit via a dot the ends cut what is useless this sketch can and should be hidden 

On your pebble you create an axis sketch that you will also hide

and you make this axis sketch coincident with your route sketch

This method has been used for a long time and it works very well

@+ ;-)

If you want a pebble that by design will rotate then the surface of this said pebble must always be in contact with its support

this support must therefore this road is at least a curvature in the corners  = at the radius of the said pebble

post a picture seen from the front and look at the shelves