Standard PDM Server Features

Hello everyone,

We are in the process of implementing a Standard PDM, and are considering moving from a physical server to a virtual server. Currently, I have installed and configured an old workstation to do some very basic tests and for a POC. We have less than 2 GB of SolidWorks data to manage, and there will be a maximum of 4 concurrent users. 

In this case (virtual server), which configuration should be preferred?

From what I found on the NET, for a SW PDM Standard 2019, here is the server I think I would ask: 

- RAM: 16 GB
- Hard drive: 200 GB
- Processor: 3.3 GHz, 4 core
- Windows Server 2016
- SQL Express 2014 or 2016
- Are there any other requirements?


And what about the backup: 
- Is a VEEAM backup enough, or do I need to do SQL and FileStore backups in addition?
- Should this backup be done locally, and what space does it take?


We are at the beginning of the project, so I would be interested in all your advice for beginners;)

Thank you


We also have a virtual server for PDM

Our config is pretty much the same as yours and there are also 4 of us using it.

We don't have any particular problem. We just had to use programmable SWITCHs to direct the data flow. The network tended to slow down regularly (50 people), but since then everything has been fine.

For backups, we have an 'Old' server converted into a backup for VM copies + an HDD unit for the armored safe.

The advantage of VM copy is that it is very quick to restore if needed. The SQL is copied at the same time.

The hardest part in the end is the creation of the VM and its regular management.


Good luck


Hello @Todesco,

Great, thank you for this info! So we're going to start with this without fear;)
We have a team that administers the VMs, so I don't think there will be a problem on that side... However, we will regularly test the backup restore to make sure it works!

Thank you again, and have a good day.