Map for Great Circle Diagram


I am looking for a map (Aquitaine) on which I could draw circles to make a great circle map. By symbolizing concentric circles of a given diameter. (materialization of the travel zones according to distances as the crow flies)

I'm under autocad 2014

Thank you in advance for your answers.


Is it mandatory to do it with AutoCAD?

I think Google Earth is suitable for this:

Otherwise, you can download the maps from Google Earth as well and probably insert them into AutoCAD as an image.

Edit: there's even a Google Earth plug-in for AutoCAD:




Hello .pl,

*No, you don't have to be under autocad, but I thought it would be easier to draw my concentric circles at the right scale, and to print on  the plotter without too much loss of quality


*Indeed, on Google Earth you can define distances as the crow flies by materializing a line.

Sufficient for online consultation, but not usable for printing. For your information, the first zone is 0-10km and the last is 50-80km


*I tried the google earth plugin for autocad but I must have a compatibility problem with my version, moreover, a priori, you can only do image extractions (screenshot) of what is affixed, the map at these scales is not accurate enough (last area at 80km).

For the moment we have a paper map ign 1/140.000


Thank you for your contributions.

You can also create circles in Google Earth, right?

I'm talking about the Google Earth software that can be downloaded here:

And not the website.

Hello Benoit,

I don't remember if the function exists in AutoCAD 2014 but with the 2016, you just have to use the "Set location" button in the "Insert" tab (you need an "A360" account).

The map is displayed in the background and all you have to do is draw on it.
