Map search according to flow status


Is it possible to create a search map in PDM according to the state in a file stream?

Thank you


I don't think it's feasible since the choice of data card is only related to the location of the file and its extension. On the other hand, what can be done is to show/hide elements of the data map according to the value of a variable, via the Command Logic menu in the map editor. It is therefore necessary to copy the name of the state into a variable on the map beforehand. Maybe this meets your need?

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Uses different tabs and selects the Variable Controlled check box.
This way you can display the tab according to the state of a variable.


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Hello, thank you for your answers,

Romain.jouanny and Todesco, I don't have a variable related to the state of my file in the feed, it's a transition, it's a verification request.

So the file is between the "Creation" or "Modification" state and the "Verified" state



You say: So the file is between the "Creation" or "modification" state and the "Verified" state 

So you must have a variable containing the state that will allow you to manage your tabs.
otherwise add one that you update with each transition


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I don't know what you're talking about when you write "manage your tabs"

Thierry K.

I am talking about the tabs of the crankcases of the PDM

Below is the search map according to the type of project, managed by the variable that stores it.
The tabs are named identically to the content of the variable.
