Catia Ladder Construction

Hello, I'm trying to make a drawing to go from 3D to 2D, and here is the error I have:

The image cannot be constructed, so try to reduce the scale of the view and the level of detail in the Properties view.

Well that says it all, I have to lower the resolution. But where?


Let me explain what I'm testing:

I do remote desktop connection, which allows me to have a powerful computer and connect with a laptop and use the server resources to launch Catia applications (VDI in RDP)

If I launch it locally it works perfectly, but when I launch it in RDP (remote desktop connection) I get the error. Catia launches everything works but it's when I do this drawing manipulation that it doesn't work anymore, I have a red box.


Do you have any idea what it can be?


Kind regards



The same live or remote manipulation returns a correct result or a CATIA error, respectively?

Quite strange...

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Otherwise, I would suggest using TeamViewer if the quality is suitable, it shouldn't create this kind of problem.

Otherwise, for the properties of the view or the sheet, just right-click on it and choose properties.


Editing: see also the help pages on this subject:


Live no mistakes,

Remote Catia error: Try to reduce the scale of the view and the level of detail in the Catia properties view.

I changed the resolution, I touched a few options in Catia nothing changes.

I can't see... I don't understand, if locally it works, since it's an image offset, normally it works. Of course not... I don't understand.

Sorry, no solution (apart from TeamViewer), I think it's a bug...

A bug in Catia?


Or an RDP bug?

I'm thinking more of a CATIA log protection by EADS

via a key that prohibits working with CATIA through a computer other than the computer with the installed license

@+ ;-)


after various tests catia is less greedy  and less heavy and yet much more powerful  than SW go figure......................; -)

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