Catia configuration assembly constraint

Hi all


A new question for the community,

In my assembly I would like to constrain one distance according to another

So far, nothing crazy...


Like what:


Let's take a hatch that opens vertically with a system of counterweights

I would like to automatically constrain the floor/counterweight distance based on the low distance of the door and the floor

In the closed position: G/counterweight = 800 and door/gat = 0

In the open position: G/counterweight = 0 and door/gat = 800

(random values)

I know how to do it by going through the scenes, which allows me to control the assembly with the desired constraints

Only I would have liked to do it in my assembly in order to easily juggle with these values

I've edited multiple values but I can't find the right function to use for the linked... I will need the "SI" function on excel;) 


Thanks in advance 

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I don't know Catia but isn't it possible to do it via an equation??? You double click that you want to link and you delete the rib and put  = then click on the other side. Have you ever tried???? Well if it works like in Solidworks

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Yes that's the idea, but the first odds = 0 when the other = 800 and vice versa.

It is the establishment of this condition that causes me problems. I don't know if I'm very clear

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Yes, you have to make a bouble dimension, in one 800 and 0 and in the other 0 and 800 and link them by crossing them between one functional 800 and the other not like that when you modify the functional the other will do the opposite well if I understood correctly what you wanted...

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Yes, that's the idea. How to link them by crossing them by making them a pilot?

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Can you make me a screen print of whatever you want??? You can't do two ribs??? Let's say 700 and 100 and for the other side you rate the other way around but also starting with 700 and 100 and then you link the 700 together. If you want they will be reversed...

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For the "If" condition, you need the KWA (Knowledge Advisor) workshop

If you don't have this workshop there is a possibility for On/Off

See topic HERE

Edit: the previous topic shows the method on sketch constraints, but it's the same on the assembly method (we play with the activation, inactivation and condition (not)).


Re Edit: to complete with multiple values you can mix with the association of a user parameter and the activation state (in the attached video I use a multiple choice parameter of text type.

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