CatiaV5 arc writing

Hello everyone,

I would like to know how to do a 2D writing in an arc (following a defined circle) on a CATDrawing?

Thank you



I don't think it's possible (to see if other people are more informed).

Otherwise, you have to create a DXF or DWG (in DraftSight for example, which is free) and import it into CATIA!

To start you need to create a . Catdrawing


you create your arc of a circle


you insert your text (be careful with the choice of font, the results will be different)


you export your . Catdrawing (save as .dxf)


you open the file save previously


and you copy the layer


you stick it in a . Catpart (this will give you a sketch) (pay attention to the conversion scale in option)


if the scale doesn't stick you can always modify it with Scale factor


All that's left to do is make a pocket


Hoping I was clear?

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I use Inkscape (in French there is a portable version) download link.

The result is less facetized than Catia's for the import into the CATPart.

In fact I use this software because it's simpler than in CATIA (MD2).

If you really want to do it in the CATDrawing  I can tell you the procedure but it's very long.

(Each letter must be independent to create a link of position and orientation of the different text editors). 



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