Center of Mass


After searching on the forum I couldn't find an answer to my "problem"

Indeed, I am trying to find the center of mass of a non-alloy steel assembly, I have applied the material to all the components, I have saved the toolbox to avoid reading alone!
I applied the center of mass option, it is displayed in white and green only at launch, it looks like a bug, during the 2 seconds of loading it appears and then after nothing, yet it seems to be calculated, when I zoom in on the selection, I don't see it but it seems to be correctly placed, Do you know this problem and do you have a miracle solution?

I specify that I am on solidworks 2014

Thank you in advance


Have you looked at this link


Otherwise you have this macro that works pretty well.

It places a point in a 3D sketch.

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Maybe 2 solutions,

The first: at the top of the display, you may not have displayed it, check it...

The second: can in the Feature Manager creation tree, is it also hidden? (bezel symbol under 2014).

Have you inserted it on each of your pieces? (insertion/reference geometry/center of mass).

I say this but without being convinced that it is necessary to do it to have it precisely in the assembly.

Hoping these answers solve your problem.

Kind regards.

Fab Camp, the insertion of the center of mass reference geometry doesn't give anything more, same problem

On the other hand, I have several assemblies in the assembly, the center of masses is present and works on one subassembly and not on the other when I open these assemblies separately, really weird!

"The first: at the top in the display, you may not have displayed it, check it... "
I don't see a center of mass option in displays!?


GT22, yes I did exactly that, it works when I do a test on a simple part, even on a test assembly and not there, yet the centers of mass are present at launch just 2 seconds and then disappear right away.

The macro is a solution indeed but I use several stations, it's a shame to redo the integration of this macro especially since the center of masses works with one subassembly and not with the other I think it's a problem of internal configuration ...
At worst I would go through the macro but it's a shame I'd like to understand


Thanks again

I just tested the macro, it doesn't give anything either, even where the center of the masses worked on the subassemblies, the macro doesn't give anything ...

I put an example of an assembly that doesn't work in dropbox link , a simple jack, 2 basic parts to assemble and the assembly

I don't understand I have the center of mass that is displayed at home ...


Which 2014 SP are you in? Personally we are in SP5 maybe you don't all have the same updates?

Fab Camp, as much for me, I'm not good at it...

The center of mass option was not checked in the display parameter, you were right! I didn't pay attention she was downstairs I didn't see her!
Thank you for your help, problem solved and quickly in addition thank you for the efficiency

No problem, it also happens to me sometimes lol ;)