Hi all

That's it, the design challenge on the theme of Start Up "what will be your innovative object?" is coming to an end!

A big congratulations to all our participants for their involvement and their work, once again, the choice was complicated... All the designs impressed us with their technicality, innovation and rendering, so congratulations to all! An entrepreneurial soul is hidden in you!

Without further ado, here are our 3 winners!

  • The first prize is awarded to... @Louis.emonin and its Bar Bar & Cocktail ! Congratulations!

Your design won over the jury with its innovation and technical strength: every detail, part was imagined and created with meticulousness and thought. The realistic rendering and the different cuts give us a total understanding of the creation.

Congratulations again, you win the DAGOMA 3D printer! 

  • Second place went to @DoubleL and his original creation, the Multitool ! Congratulations!

Your design won over the jury as well as many DIYers; The Multitool offers multiple features and tools and its rendering is superb! The ergonomics of the product are carried out with accuracy and precision as well as the different options are very well imaged;

Congratulations, you win a POWER BANK power bank!

  • Finally, third place was awarded to @sébastien.colet and his Baby-car !

Your design has been made for the benefit of disabled parents in order to be able to be autonomous while ensuring the safety of the child, the idea is brilliant! Your design reflects the mechanism of your invention very well, congratulations!

You win a JBL Bluetooth speaker, congratulations!  

A big shout out also to @Flavien2610 and @WavingBox for their great designs, the bar has been set high this month! You all passed the challenge with flying colors, congratulations!

@la community, what did you think?!

Have a good day, Coralie 


So there!
We can see that it's the Olympic year, the minimums are high, not to mention  that you have to be jabbed with two doses or hammer to do things like that!
The word BRAVO is too weak so I invent Wouamegagiantsupertopbeautifulgreatthank you

Small humorous remark "the baby car gains a speaker"   ;-)

Kind regards

PS: the Jury must have had hot ears to choose but the bar is there to refresh it



Well... I'm going to console myself by drinking a CockTail... Congratulations to the winners!

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