CHALLENGE START UP: Where are you at?

Hello Lynkoa community:)

The Start Up challenge ends now in 1 week! @DoubleL opened the ball with a superb design, the "MultiTool" for those who haven't seen it!!

And you, where are you?!  

We are aware that this challenge is not easy, and in view of the reward, we are thinking of adding 1 week of delay to the challenge in order to give a chance to the last participants who would like to enter the race for the 3D printer

What do you think?  :)

A big thank you and good luck to the participants!!  Coralie :) 


Really very successful the multitool

It's almost a Swiss hammer like the knife of the same name.
Very clever and practical for construction people or the do-it-yourselfer who never knows where he has just put his last tool.

It's been a long time since I've seen something so innovative in this field. I also say a very big congratulations for the rendering of the images and the choice of colors.

Kind regards




I wouldn't take part in this challenge because I have work over my head and I haven't counted my hours for two months.
But I'm still in ambush for the next challenge or challenge.

Kind regards


Hello @Zozo_mp

Yes, indeed this MultiTool is very successful, it deserves all our congratulations! I can't wait to see the next proposals:)

No worries about your participation, the next one will be welcome!!  

I was thinking of creating a jury team #Lynkoa for the next challenge, I know that some of you are interested in the challenges but don't have the time to participate, so they will be part of the jury! :) I'll tell you more about it in the next challenge!



Hello @Coralie 

Ditto too much but really too much work overwhelmed from overwhelmed, absolutely no time.

may the force be with you.



Hello @Coralie 

Same as my colleagues, I'm drowning...



Great idea the jury team#Lynkoa

Kind regards


Hello Coralie,

Sorry same for me!!



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@tous, I understand that you don't lack the desire! Challenges can take a lot of time too... We keep our fingers crossed for the next :) 



@Coralie ,

For my part, I work oh5 extra hour at noon and I work every Saturday morning and I think it will last like this  until Christmas at least.

May the force be with you

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For me I'm still in a creative period, 

I'm getting close to the end for this weekend!

As a student, the last two months have been busy with work, it is true that an extra week would be good to allow you to release the pressure of this challenge, especially after so many hours accumulated on it. When you love, you don't count!

Have a good day to you,


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 @OBI WAN, @louis.emonin, indeed this period is busy from what I see!!  

I feel that this extra week is not a refusal!! Good luck to all, 
