Changing the Version of an SLDDRW File in EPDM V 2015


The index of the 2D plan is based on the SW document version

We have had old 2D plans taken over by an external company , and we need to force the version of the file (and therefore the index of the plan), to synchronize it with the old index, for example, to change it from version 01 to 05

How can we do this in EPDM? 

Thierry Marchadour


Hello, this is a public forum, it is not recommended to put personal information.

To contact the Axemble hotline, you must open a ticket from myCADservices.

Otherwise for this problem, I think we can force the version when archiving the document.

But there are many plans to change? Maybe we can make a macro if we have all the information in an Excel file for example.



With EPDM, there is no point in trying to have the same version on 2D and 3D. What is important is the synchronization of the revision.

Versions being generally a "photo" of an archive, if you design a machine over several weeks, you quickly get several versions on your 3D. But once this is over, you will do your 2D. At this point, you can be in version 5 on the part and in version 1 on the plan without it having any influence on the rendering of the folder and the management of files.

On the other hand, you will have to have a 3D part and a 2D plan with the same index.

If you are concerned about the synchronization of EPDM revisions between 3D and 2D, this can be managed via a workflow in the EPDM administration.