Changing the Plane of a Solidworks Schematic Representation



Is it possible, as is the case with sketches, to change the reference plane of a schematic representation in Solidworks?



A priori it's a 3D sketch, so it's not possible directly :


All the sketch constraints must be modified " on the plane " and "  along the axis " and repositioned correctly...


Or simpler create a block with your sketch, then constrain your block again.


Can we know why? Do you need to change the ref plane of a schematic representation?


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Indeed it's much clearer that way.

Now, if I delete all the relations "on the plane" as soon as I add one on the other plane, the sketch is on constraint (even if I remove all the external constraints)

I guess I earned the right to do it again!

Unless there is a miracle function to rotate the complete assembly.

In any case, thanks for the enlightenment.





I started on the front plane when it should have been on the top plane.

It's not bad, but:

- component insertions are by default misoriented,

- the rendering of shadows and reflections is bogus.


Again, it's not dramatic, but if there's a solution to put it all right, I'm all for it.


See this tutorial on changing plans


@alain. ERP


As Lucas P pointed out, it doesn't work on 3D sketches, each line is related to a specific plane.

The simplest way, when you have a sketch on constraint, is to leave it on constraint, and run the SolidWorks utility:


Normally it's written in red at the bottom right of the screen: you have to double click on it and a utility appears, which allows you to choose the right solution.


See this link:


Or use the "View, delete relationships" feature:

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This is indeed what I usually do, but here all the proposed solutions consist of removing almost all the constraints!


And create a block as I proposed in my first message?


Changing the origins will allow you to take back the good sides


See this tutorial




Indeed, I hadn't noticed.

It's working!


Thank you



It's good to know, but in this case, we lose the schematic representation apparently!