Change the type of a custom property in bulk


currently in Solidworks 2017, we have a number of files in our database, and may even date back to the 2000s. In all our files, we find a common custom property generally of the "text" type, but which for one reason or another is found in the "number" type for some files. 

We have already googled our need, but without being able to find an answer:

- Is there a tool that would allow you to bulk retrieve the type of a known custom property?

- And if so, a tool that would allow you to change the type of this property to "text" type?

For your information, we have all the myCADtools 2017 tools.

Thank you in advance for your feedback!


Have you tried with the "BatchProperties" tool from myCADtools?

You can create a property (example Toto) that retrieves the value of the property (Project) and then you delete  this "Project" property. The property created will be of type "Text".

Kind regards

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Thank you for your quick response!

Indeed, this could be a solution, what bothers me is that the custom property in question is used on the Solidworks side to fill in some information in the plan block, but we also work under PDM, and the data cards also use this property. That's why I wish I didn't have to change the name of the property.

Hello again,

You can do the opposite, recreate the property (e.g. Project) that you just deleted by assigning it the value of the property (e.g. Toto) that you created, then optionally you delete the property (Toto) which is no longer useful.

Kind regards

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