Change viewer embedded in the EPDM preview

Hi all

How do I change the built-in viewer in the EPDM preview?

The default viewer is Edrawing but we can't display AutoCAD 3D parts correctly (yes AutoCAD does 3D).

We manage to modify the viewer of the external playback (right click, view) but we can't modify the one integrated into EPDM.

(we manage to view the file on the first viewing (image1) but when we click on it we lose the visualization (image2))

Thank you!

 (Image 1)

(image 2)


Hello Aurélien,

I haven't had the opportunity to do this kind of maneuver, but you may find what you're looking for here:


Thank you Benoit,

But on this tutorial, we modify the external viewer (right click, show)

There it would be for the internal EPDM viewer (in the windows insert)

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Doesn't that make the 2? External and internal viewer?

No Administration tool available to try, sorry! ;-(


So, we're looking for a trick...

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Is the defect the same if you use Edrawing without going through ePDM?

The goal is to try to identify if the problem comes from ePDM. Because we have old designs in DWG 3D and Edrawing allows us to visualize them without this bug.


 Hello remrem!

No, the defect no longer occurs when we use Edrawing.

But it seems that the Edrawing executable of the external viewer (by right-clicking, display) and the internal executable of the windows structure are not the same. After how to modify this....

Given the subject, I advise you to call the hotline!

Keep us posted.

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I don't have a hotline agreement yet, just in pre-sales training. the information will be sent to Solidwork soon according to the trainer.

Back in a few days!


a question. Isn't there another viewer to install by autocad?

outside EPDM, I had the problem on my mac (and yes autocad is the only one to do 3D on Mac) as soon as I wanted to see a file with preview (native system to the mac when you select a file and press spacebar) I had errors or a blank page.

The solution was to uninstall autocad and as a result edrawing took over.

I think we should see in the server if there are not 2 viewers to install, or maybe on the computer that reads the file that would have a choice to make of viewer and that would choose the wrong one!!!

@Gerald, so there is a good question.... I admit that this part of the computer is blocking me a little .... I'll tell you more soon following the return of SolidWorks!