Mass check-in



 I'm working on Creo 2.0 and PDMLink

When I want to open my 3D (which I did with Creo) with CreoView Lite, I do a "Custom Check In" of a part or assembly (File/Check In/ Custom Chech In/Models dna Viewables). So far no problem...


On the other hand, when I have several parts to reassemble and can see them on CreoView Lite, I can't find a way to do it at once, because under PDMLink I only have "Check In" and not "Custom Check In" available.






Thank you


I don't really know Creo, is there anything interesting in these links?

Thank you but it doesn't lead to anything that could help me.


Well I have the confirmation from my internal PTC support that this manip is not feasible.

Can be a suggestion to make for PTC development.


PS: since the solution is not possible I prefer the one who tried to help me