Choosing a cheap graphics tablet?


I would like to invest in an XP-Pen graphics tablet.
I chose the wireless DECO 03 model but I see that almost tt the other models have a connection. Is wireless really useful? if the cable is long... We're getting by, aren't we??? I'm afraid that without plugging in, the battery life of the tablet will decrease too quickly and therefore have premature wear. 
otherwise there is the XP-Pen DECO 03 model without wireless but with 16:10 screen (the active area is: 10" x 5.62", 8192 pressure levels, ) 
What do you think of this format? Is it more pleasant? less? 
the Star G640S seems really small to me and the Artist series is way too expensive...  
Can you point me in the right direction??!!!  
One more question... To be able to transfer to a graphic tablet, how does it work? (I don't know how to draw well enough yet and to have a better rendering I transfer for the sketches) does this kind of model correspond to this use? 
I have a Macbook Pro 15' will it create distortions?

I think that's all, I hope someone can point me in! 
Thank you.



Here are the various questions already asked on the subject about choosing a graphics tablet.