Choice of motor and pump

Hello, I am a student of the Faculty of Science and Technology (Industrial Engineering Bachelor's degree)  of Tangier FSTT in Morocco  . I am currently preparing my final year project PFE  whose subject .; the study of the perforation machine for the emptying of PET bottles, cans and TetraBarik (LiquiDrainer). Please give me more information on the choice of motor and pump for such a machine (I want to specify the procedure to follow for this study) 

Thank you so much 


You must first determine the necessary torque to transmit to the rollers. (The least easy)

With P = C x omega you get the power.

With this you determine the necessary hydraulic power with Pmeca = Phydro x hydraulic efficiency,  you get the necessary hydraulic power.

Then with Phydro = P(pressure) x Qv (volume flow) you get the necessary flow rate.

Then you have to determine the power of the engine by proceeding with the same formulas but in reverse, since from now on we will go from hydraulic power to mechanical power.



Regarding the choice of pump type and motor. I think it's going to be orbital elements. Then you have to see the details with your supplier: maximum permissible pressure, maximum speed...

The model machine is an electric motor, probably three-phase but it can be modified.

Indeed, it would be necessary to know or determine the effort required to pierce a bottle and the number of simultaneous contact points.  To ensure that the machine is not permanently close to the stall, do not hesitate to increase this value.

In addition, the diameter of the roller must be determined. To be able to "swallow" the bottles, I think that the diameter of the bottles should not exceed 10% (20% maximum) of the diameter of the roll.

Then, we can use the remrem formula to determine the power needed.


As for the pump, it does not seem that it is necessary. The liquid flows by gravity into a tank through a grate.