Choosing a configuration according to a length (equation)

Hello in an assembly a containing a part B and a part C, If the length of part B is 200 can I with an equation impose to take the config of part C named 200?

Basically can we choose a room configuration according to parameter?

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Why not link the 2 configs?


Have a config part b 200 then a config part c 200


Otherwise, by right-clicking on the coast in question and selecting "configure the coast" you can configure it according to a config

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It may be complicated because I simplified with an example I want to be able to choose a config name according to the length but via the equation I took the example of 200 for 200.

For example for B=200 C=200 for B=300 C=B/2=150 ...

If the list of configs is complete, it's all possible

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I don't really see the walkthrough with the equations.

The notion of "Configuration" cannot be included in it

Even in those specific to assemblies

But it seems that we can make ties between 2 different parts (a and b parts in my case)

It seems to me that you can manage an assembly via an excel table. So if you have all the configurations of all your rooms, you just have to create a board that manages everything

It's not really in the sense I wanted but failing that, I'm going for the proposed solutions with 2 linked configs. So I take Bart's answer even though I already knew this method.