Cinvertir entity


I made this piece using the 'Convert Entity' function.

I haven't found a tutorial on the subject that deals with this aspect of the job, so I'm offering my work to a person, trainer or other, who would like to make a beginner's video  .

Thank you



That's not really a question, so I'm not sure this is the right place to post this.

Is it the same function as in the video below?

Otherwise, the help page is not too badly done:





What exactly are your expectations?

Your part is overall well made (could be made in fewer functions, but that's already very good!). There is just the sketch of your first extrusion which is not totally constrained (in your case you just need to add 4 dimensions at first glance).

You used "Convert Features" when you were building on existing geometry, which is a good thing.

Tell us how we can help you. :)



Yes, it's the same function as on the link cited.

I'm new to Solidworks and I fumbled a lot to make this part, so I thought that others than me might need this function for projects of this type and that a little tutorial would be very useful.

The fact that you can do this work in fewer functions shows that I am far from mastering Solidworks.

Thank you.