Closed corner 2 different sheet metal works

Hi everyone.

Small question about the sheet metal, I have two sheet metal works (two separate sheet metal bodies) with a 45° fold that I would like to join with the closed corner function.
However, it is clear that this is only possible on several plies from the same sheet metal.

Do you have a trick to make it clean? Otherwise it will be the old fashioned way, I design my closures myself.

Thank you all for your help :wink: Have a good day!

Hello C.vuillaume;
For my part, it will be like the old way; hihihihihihihi :grin:
I found this on the net=>
To be seen.

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If you edit one of the parts and if you do an extrusion to the face and the same for the other one so that the extrusions are linked to the other part and if you change the angle everything follows


Good evening
By going through intermediate stages.
First phase in surface, then conversion to sheet metal for the 2 rooms
Good night.





Normally in the function to bend a sheet in the tree and after executing this function, an unconstrained sketch. It seems to me that it is unconstrained to allow the function to adjust the length.
But once made, you can by entering the sketch (of the function) dimension it and or modify the geometry by playing with the constraints, redraw a profile. But be careful not to do anything, it's a bent sheet metal so when unfolding it it must be realistic with a future manufacture.


It's true that we can see it that way too. I'm more in favor of creating folded base sheets that integrate my folds directly (rather than using the " folded sheet on edge " function). But it can do the trick, thank you :wink:

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I think it's the closest result to reality, thank you =)